The pretzel dough is mixed in 150 lb. batches. The only ingredients are unbleached flour (from Snavely’s Mill), water, salt, and yeast. There is no oil or shortening, which is why they are harder than other pretzels. The dough rises for half an hour before it is brought out to the twisting table in a large metal cart.Twisting
Someone cuts a piece off and kneads it by hand, then shapes it into a round roll that will fit through the cutter. Twelve small pieces fly out of the cutter each time the handle goes around. Each piece will make a pretzel. They are rolled out about 12” long, then you simply pick up the ends and give it a twist. Presto! You have a pretzel! Each employee should be making 10-12 pretzels a minute. Each day we twist appx. 26,000 pretzels, or 1,200 lbs. Ninety pretzels are put on one board. When a board is full, it gets placed on the rack. The rack holds 24 boards. One batch of 150 lbs will fill 1 ½ racks. Once a rack is full, it heads over to the oven. The pretzels rise about half an hour before the are baked.